Paid and Volunteer Opportunities at Dallin

9/13/2024 7:07 am

It takes a village to keep our school running!  Here are some ways you can participate:



As part of our campus safety initiative, we need adult volunteers to supervise the automobile drop-off area in front of Florence Field in the morning. It's a one day a week commitment from 7:35-8:00 a.m. and it's a great way to support our community. During that time, you and our 5th grade volunteers will encourage drivers to stay in their cars and pull forward along the curb while you are looking after the 5th grade students who open and close the car doors. That's it!

In the past, we've asked folks commit to the same weekday for the entire school year, if possible. If not, we can be flexible. If you can help, please complete this Google Form and we will be in touch. Please pass along this link to anyone in our school community who may be interested in helping and thank you!



Volunteers are needed to assist during class library periods with setup, circulation, shelving, classroom management, and any other support for the librarians and teachers.   Volunteers must complete a CORI check and a confidentiality form.  Sign up here:



Would you like to spend time with our fabulous students? We are looking for someone to join our team as a cafeteria monitor from 10:00-1:00 each day. You'll get to know our students, help them open containers, wipe down tables, and keep the well-oiled machine running. It's a fun and easy gig! Please contact Ms. Karustis if you'd like to know more.